Flexible PVC is obtained thanks to the addition of plasticizers in the base formulation. It is produced with the calendering system. Transparent version with greater stability to the external environment. Pre-packaged in 50 meters long lists, with rounded edges.

Technical Data

Description Peso spec. Kg/dm³ Assorb. H₂O satur. % Temp. Max es. °C Dimensioni m Packaging
LP-LASTRA PVC KRISTALL FLESS. 4 H.400 1,3 0,2 -10+55 0,4x50 110 KG
LP-LASTRA PVC KRISTALL FLESS. 2 H.200 1,3 0,2 -10+55 0,2x50 27 KG
LP-LASTRA PVC KRISTALL FLESS. 3 H.300 1,3 0,2 -10+55 0,3x50 59 KG

Application Sectors

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